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Acciones asistenciales y desarrollo en el contexto de la globalización Artículo académico uri icon


  • The fundamental objective of this paper is to establish a conceptual discussion regarding humanitarian aid and its connection with human, economic and social development processes and conditions. The central argument in this research is that humanitarian aid -without repayment from the subjects who receive it- constitutes an indisputable route for fostering social inclusion in sectors that live in extreme marginal conditions. The context emphasized is developing countries, in particular Latin American societies. The fundamental concep-tual reference is based on the postulates about human development formulated by the United Nations, since the publication of its first worldwide Human Development Report in 1992. The method was based on a documentary review of cases of countries to then formulate a synthesis as a result. Conclusions were that humanitarian assistance should be provided in cases of emergency; however, to pursue sustainability for the model, productivity processes should be encouraged.

fecha de publicación

  • 2015-1-1