publicaciones seleccionadas
- Sexual risk among Colombian adolescents: Knowledge, attitudes, normative beliefs, perceived control, intention, and sexual behavior 2018
- An abridged Spanish version of Sexual Double Standard Scale: Factorial structure, reliability and validity evidence 2017
- Sexual Desire Inventory: Two or Three Dimensions? 2017
- Translation, Adaptation, and Preliminary Validation of the Female Sexual Function Index into Spanish (Colombia) 2017
- Adaptation, Validation, Reliability and Factorial Equivalence of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in Colombian and Spanish Population 2016
- Adaptation, validation and reliability of the Massachusetts General Hospital-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire in a Colombian sample and factorial equivalence with the Spanish version 2016
- Validity and reliability of a set of sexual stimuli in a sample of Colombian heterosexual young women | Validez y fiabilidad de un set de estímulos sexuales en una muestra de jóvenes mujeres heterosexuales colombianas 2016
- Adaptation and Validation of the Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) in a Sample of Male Drug Users 2015
- Binge drinking: Risky sexual behaviors and drug facilitated sexual assault in spanish youths | Binge drinking: Conductas sexuales de riesgo y drogas facilitadoras del asalto sexual en jóvenes españoles 2015
- Relationship between drug use and sexual assertiveness in a Spanish male drug-dependent sample 2015
- Equivalence and standard scores of the Hurlbert index of sexual assertiveness across Spanish men and women | Equivalencia y baremos del Hurlbert index of sexual assertiveness entre hombres y mujeres Españoles 2014
- Proposal and validation of a short version of the Sexual Opinion Survey in the Spanish population | Propuesta y validación de una versión breve del Sexual Opinion Survey en población española 2014
- Sexual functioning in the elderly: Influence of age and psychosexual factors | Funcionamiento sexual en personas mayores: Influencia de la edad y de factores psicosexuales 2014
- Spanish adolescents attitudes toward transpeople: Proposal and validation of a short form of the genderism and transphobia scale 2014
- Adaptation, equivalence, and validation of the changes in sexual functioning questionnaire-drugs in a sample of drug-dependent men 2013
- Bullying Among Spanish Secondary Education Students: The Role of Gender Traits, Sexism, and Homophobia 2013
- Effect of Drug Use and Influence of Abstinence on Sexual Functioning in a Spanish Male Drug-Dependent Sample: A Multisite Study 2013
- Predictors of sexual assertiveness: The role of sexual desire, arousal, attitudes, and partner abuse 2013
- Psychometric properties of the index of spouse abuse in a Spanish male sample | Propiedades psicométricas del index of spouse abuse en una muestra de varones Españoles 2013
- The reliability and validity of the myths scale toward love: Adolescents' beliefs | La fiabilidad y validez de la escala de mitos hacia el amor: Las creencias de los y las adolescentes 2013
- Validation of the Love Attitude Scale in a sample of adolescents | Validación de la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Amor en una muestra de adolescentes 2013
- Validation of the modern homophobia scale in a sample of adolescents | Validación de la escala de homofobia moderna en una muestra de adolescentes 2013
- Evaluation of the factorial and metric equivalence of the sexual assertiveness scale (SAS) by sex | Evaluación de la equivalencia factorial y métrica de la sexual assertiveness scale (SAS) por sexo 2012
- Validation of Massachusetts General Hospital-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (MGH-SFQ) in a Spanish population | Validación del Massachusetts General Hospital-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (MGH-SFQ) en población española 2012
- Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) | Propiedades psicométricas de la versión Española de la Sexual Assertiveness Scale (SAS) 2011
- Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the changes in sexual functioning questionnaire-short-form (CSFQ-14) in a sample of males with drug abuse history 2010
- Propiedades psicométricas de una versión breve de la Escala de Ajuste Diádico en muestras españolas 2009
- Psychometric analysis of the Spanish version of the Brief Sexual Function Inventory (BSFI) in a male drug abuse sample | Análisis psicométrico de la versión Española del Brief Sexual Function Inventory (BSFI) en una muestra de hombres con historia de abuso de drogas 2009