publicaciones seleccionadas
- Formation of Stimulus Equivalence Relations by Exclusion: Evidence using the Blank Comparison Stimulus Procedure 2021
- Transfer of baseline reject control to transitivity trials and its effect on equivalence class formation 2019
- Effect of the number of between-classes reject baseline relations on equivalence class formation 2018
- Emergence of New Stimulus Classes by Exclusion in Children and Adolescents 2018
- Formation of new stimulus equivalence classes by exclusion 2018
- Relation between exclusion and stimulus equivalence class formation in auditory-visual and visual-visual matching in preschoolers 2017
- Efecto del entrenamiento de relaciones negativas entre-clases y estructuras de entrenamiento en la formacion de relaciones de equivalencia,Effect of Negative Between-class Training and Structure Training on Formation of Equivalence Relations 2016
- Effects of Between-classes Negative Relations Training on Equivalence Class Formation across Training Structures 2016
- Effects of Procedural Variations in the Training of Negative Relations for the Emergence of Equivalence Relations 2016
- Peer relations, pro-social behavior and gender from elementary school to college in Colombia,Relaciones entre iguales, conducta prosocial y género desde la educación primaria hasta la universitaria en Colombia 2010