publicaciones seleccionadas
- Educación, retos para asumir su responsabilidad social 2011
- El licenciamiento social, requisito fundamental para las multinacionales 2011
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Social Responsibility Networks (SRN) in Colombia 2011
- Internacionalización de la responsabilidad social empresarial en la agricultura: una aproximación sectorial 2011
- Internationalisation of Latin American companies: Theories of firm's internationalisation applied to Multilatinas 2011
- Moderación de foro: Nuevas formas de trabajo y movimiento global: voluntad política y los tratados binacionales y multilaterales 2011
- Moderación de seminario: Derecho del trabajo y globalización 2011
- Moderación del foro: TLC y las Relaciones con Estados Unidos: Perspectivas Geopolíticas, Gremiales y Laborales 2011
- Moderación del foro: ¿En el aula todos somos iguales?. El lugar del maestro en el aula y el vínculo con los estudiantes 2011
- Oportunidades de los capitulos laborales de los acuerdos comerciales internacionales para mitigar los efectos negativos de las crisis en Latino América 2011
- Strategic Issues on Multinational Corporations: Interactive session 2011
- The effects of the international financial crisis on Latin America and the role of the social partners to improve the negative consequences at national levels 2011
- Beyond CSR: Evidence of Social Responsibility Networks in the banana industry 2010
- Bien plus que des bananes: les réseaux de responsabilité sociale et les relations de travail dans l’industrie de la banane de la région colombienne d’Urabá 2010
- Ecolabeling 2010
- El caso de Irlanda: las políticas sociales y económicas que llevaron al fenómeno de prosperidad conocido como “el Tigre Celta” 2010
- Mercadeo de causas sociales para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro: socios con un propósito, pasión y ganancias 2010
- Migraciones para acelerar el crecimiento 2010
- Multilatinas, mucho qué aprender 2010
- Más allá de la responsabilidad social empresarial: Las redes de responsabilidad social en la industria bananera 2010
- Social Responsibility Networks (SRN) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in South America 2010
- The civically engaged university model in Colombia 2010
- Coffee, Cooperation and Competition: A Comparative Study of Colombia and Vietnam 2009
- Communism 2009
- El rol de responsabilidad social empresarial en las relacionales laborales y su impacto en los negocios internacionales 2009
- Globalisation and its implications for the banana workers in Colombia 2009
- International Development Agency 2009
- International Labour Office 2009
- Involving farmers in the internationalization of the coffee industry: a cross country comparison between Colombia and Vietnam 2009
- La Responsabilidad Social empresarial y las relaciones comerciales regionales 2009
- Labour Standards 2009
- Mas allá de la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE): Evidencias de las Redes de Responsabilidad Social (RSS) en la industria bananera 2009
- Organising Immigrants: State Policy and Union Organising Tactics in the Republic of Ireland 2009
- Redes de Responsabilidad Social e Inversión Extranjera Directa en América Latina: Análisis teórico y empírico en el caso Colombiano 2009
- Responsabilidad social empresarial en el sector agricultor en el mundo: retos y oportunidades para Colombia 2009
- Returning Migration: a comparative study amongst Afghanistan, China, India, Ireland and Italy 2009
- Salaries and Wages 2009
- Special Issue: Emerging Markets 2009
- The Colombian coffee industry: an overview of the country and one of its main industries 2009
- The Future of Union Organising: Building for Tomorrow 2009
- The globalisation of the civically engaged university model in Colombia 2009
- A theoretical framework for glocalisation of labour migration 2008
- Bitten by the Celtic Tiger 2008
- Organising Immigrants? Tactical strategies for trade unions in the Republic of Ireland 2008
- Redes de Responsabilidad Social (RRS): el rol de la sociedad civil internacional revertiendo los efectos negativos de la globalización de la economía a nivel local 2008
- Social Responsibility Networks (SRN): the role of the international civil society redressing the negative effects of globalization at the local level 2008
- Bitten by the Celtic Tiger: Immigrant Workers and Industrial Relations in the New 2007
- Dynamics and Structural Changes of CSR: New actors, Networks and Coalitions towards Alternative Forms of Workers Representation 2007
- Editorial 2007
- More than Bananas: Social responsibility Networks and labour relations in the banana industry in the Uraba Region of Colombia 2007
- Sharing experiences: an institutional-wide commitment to engagement 2007
- Sindicalismo: integración de trabajadores inmigrantes 2007
- The Challenges of Fair Trade in relation to conventional trade: A case study from the banana industry 2007
- The Civic Purpose and avowed mission of Higher Education Institutions ¿ diversity or uniformity? 2007
- The Global University: The Role of the Curriculum Bourn, D., McKenzie, A. and Shiel, C., Development Education Association 2007
- Trade Union Movement: CSR, Civil Society and Cross Transnational Labour Relations in the Agriculture Industry 2007
- Trends, Trans-Actions and Trans-National Industrial Relations: A review on the literature on Civil Society and Trade Unions in the Agriculture sector 2007
- Understanding Community-University Partnerships: A Literature Review 2007
- University, Students y Community: Harnessing Student Civic Engagement through Volunteering 2007
- Bitten by the Celtic Tiger: immigrant workers and industrial relations in the new "Glocalised" Ireland 2006
- Chiquita Brands and the banana business: brands and labour relations transformations 2006
- Civil Society Activism and Markets Ethics: A Historical Overview of Corporate Social Responsibility 2006
- Corporate Social Responsibility as a Form of Transnational Regulation 2006
- Desperate and Cheap? A comparison between immigration into Ireland and the United States 2006
- Growth and Crisis, Social Structure of Accumulation: Theory and Analysis 2006
- Social Responsibility Networks and the emergence of new industrial relations actors: a case study in the banana industry 2006
- Social responsibility networks (SRN) and glocalisation of social structures of accumulation (SSA) 2006
- Value Chains and the Challenges of Fair Trade : Bananas from Colombia to the European Market 2006
- Banana Wars: Multi-stakeholders and Corporate Governance 2005
- Bananas Ethical Quality: Multi-stakeholders, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance 2005
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitiveness in the global banana industry 2005
- Labour Relations Practices and Migrant Workers in Ireland 2005
- More than bananas: Social Responsibility Networks and labour relations in the banana region of Colombia 2005
- Placing Ireland in socially responsible networks of global banana production? 2005
- Responding to Global Issues locally: Challenging Trade Unions, and labour activists, the case of Migrant Workers in Ireland 2005
- Social Responsibility Networks and Labour Relations: a case study from the banana industry in Colombia 2005
- Social Responsibility Networks: Integrating the social movement on non-traditional bargaining issues in labour relations: The case of the banana industry 2005
- The Banana Business: Transforming Brands And Labour Relations Through Green Social Responsibility 2005
- Those the Celtic Tiger have forgotten; Labour Relations Practices and Migrant Workers 2005
- Labour rights issues for non-Irish national workers in Ireland 2004
- Those the Celtic Tiger Have Bitten: The Integration of Migrant Workers in Ireland 2004
- Labour rights issues for non-national workers in Ireland 2003
- International Models in Managing Diversity from a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective 2002
- Local business responses in relation to non-Irish national workers 2002