publicaciones seleccionadas
- Cash and Ballots: Conditional Transfers, Political Participation, and Voting Behavior 2020
- The Impact of Receiving SMS Price and Weather Information on Small Scale Farmers in Colombia 2019
- Effects of Colombia's Social Protection System on Workers' Choice between Formal and Informal Employment 2014
- Effects of Subsidized Health Insurance on Newborn Health in a Developing Country 2013
- Manipulation of Social Program Eligibility 2011
documento de trabajo
- Effects of Colombia's Social Protection System on Workers ‘Choice between Formal and Informal Employment 2013-08
- Conditional Cash Transfers, Political Participation and Voting Behavior 2012-09
- The Impact of Receiving Price and Climate Information in the Agricultural Sector 2010-11
- Misallocation and Productivity in Colombia’s Manufacturing Industries 2010-02
- Effects of Colombia's Social Protection System on Workers' Choice between Formal and Informal Employment 2009-08
- Manipulation of Social Program Eligibility: Detection, Explanations and Consequences for Empirical Research 2009-08
- Effects of Subsidized Health Insurance on Newborn Health in Colombia 2008-08