publicaciones seleccionadas
- Comparison between different inflationary models in Bianchi IX spacetime 2024
- On the equilibrium dynamics of a binary system with two Kerr-like bodies 2024
- Revealing the equilibrium dynamics of a binary system of prolate or oblate elliptical galaxies 2024
- Effect of multipole moments in the weak field limit of a black hole plus halo potential 2021
- Orbit classification in a disk galaxy model with a pseudo-Newtonian central black hole 2021
- Fractal basins of convergence of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020
- On the dynamics of a seventh-order generalized Hénon-Heiles potential 2020
- Orbit classification in a pseudo-Newtonian Copenhagen problem with Schwarzschild-like primaries 2019
- Orbital dynamics in realistic galaxy models: NGC 3726, NGC 3877 and NGC 4010 2019
- Orbital dynamics in the photogravitational restricted four-body problem: Lagrange configuration 2019
- Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the generalized Henon-Heiles system 2018
- Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the generalized Henon-Heiles system 2018
- Basins of convergence of equilibrium points in the generalized Hénon–Heiles system 2018
- Equilibrium points and basins of convergence in the triangular restricted four-body problem with a radiating body 2018
- Equilibrium points and basins of convergence in the triangular restricted four-body problem with a radiating body 2018
- Geodesic dynamics in Chazy-Curzon spacetimes 2018
- Geodesic dynamics in Chazy-Curzon spacetimes 2018
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018
- Orbit classification in an equal-mass non-spinning binary black hole pseudo-Newtonian system 2018
- Orbital dynamics in the post-newtonian planar circular restricted sun-jupiter system 2018
- Orbital dynamics in the post-newtonian planar circular restricted sun-jupiter system 2018
- On the influence of the mass definition in the stability of axisymmetric relativistic thin disks,Influencia de la definición de masa en la estabilidad de discos relativistas axialsimétricos 2017
- On the influence of the mass definition in the stability of axisymmetric relativistic thin disks,Influencia de la definición de masa en la estabilidad de discos relativistas axialsimétricos 2017
- Geodesic motion in a stationary dihole spacetime 2016
- Calculation of largest lyapunov exponent with mathematica,Cálculo delmáximo exponente de Lyapunov conMathematica 2013