publicaciones seleccionadas
- Electroanalysis applied to monitor mead fermentations 2017
- Microcalorimetry as a tool for monitoring food fermentations 2017
- Comparison of e-Noses: The case study of honey 2016
- Mead fermentation monitoring by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry and medium infrared probe 2016
- Mead fermentation process monitoring by using analytical semiobjective techniques 2015
- Applying Peleg's equation to modelling the kinetics of solid hydration and migration during soybean soaking,Aplicación de la ecuación de Peleg para modelar la cinética de hidratación y de migración de sólidos durante el remojo de soya 2012
- Hybrid E-Tongue for the Evaluation of Sweetness and Bitterness of Soft Drinks Fortified with Epigallocatechin Gallate 2012