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precursor 2021-08-09 Use of agro-industrial residues of plantain (Musa paradisiaca) in the adsorption of Ni (II) 2021-04-22 Use of agro-industrial residues of plantain (Musa paradisiaca) in the adsorption of Ni (II) 2021-04-22 Potential Use of Residual Sawdust of Eucalyptus globulus Labill in Pb (II) Adsorption: Modelling of the Kinetics and Equilibrium 2021-04-01 Potential Use of Residual Sawdust of Eucalyptus globulus Labill in Pb (II) Adsorption: Modelling of the Kinetics and Equilibrium 2021-04-01 Design and Application of Hydrocolloids from Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata) Epidermis as a Food Additive in Mayonnaise-type Sauces 2021-03-02 Design and Application of Hydrocolloids from Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata) Epidermis as a Food Additive in Mayonnaise-type Sauces 2021-03-02 Adsorption Thermodynamics of Cr(VI) Removal by using Agro-Industrial Waste of Oil Palm Bagasse and Plantain Peels 2020-09-17 Adsorption Thermodynamics of Cr(VI) Removal by using Agro-Industrial Waste of Oil Palm Bagasse and Plantain Peels 2020-09-17 Determination of Kinetic Parameters in the Biosorption of Chromium (VI) in Aqueous Solution 2020-06-19 Determination of Kinetic Parameters in the Biosorption of Chromium (VI) in Aqueous Solution 2020-06-19 Adsorption in a binary system of Pb (II) and Ni (II) using lemon peels 2020-06-16 Adsorption in a binary system of Pb (II) and Ni (II) using lemon peels 2020-06-16 Evaluation of the use of plantain starch as a natural coagulant for the removal of colour and turbidity in water for human consumption 2020-03-08 Evaluation of the use of plantain starch as a natural coagulant for the removal of colour and turbidity in water for human consumption 2020-03-08 Cr(VI) biosorption: Effect of temperature, particle size and bed height 2020-02-21 Cr(VI) biosorption: Effect of temperature, particle size and bed height 2020-02-21 Comparative study of the use of starch from agroindustrial materials in the coagulation-floculation process,Estudio comparativo del uso de almidón a partir de materiales a partir de materiales residuales agroindustriales en el proceso coagulación-floculación 2020 Comparative study of the use of starch from agroindustrial materials in the coagulation-floculation process,Estudio comparativo del uso de almidón a partir de materiales a partir de materiales residuales agroindustriales en el proceso coagulación-floculación 2020 Contenido rheological characterization of gums-gel obtained from the proteic isolate of sesame (Sesamum indicum),Caracterización reológica de gomas-gel obtenidas a partir de aislado protéico de sésamo (Sesamum indicum) 2020 Contenido rheological characterization of gums-gel obtained from the proteic isolate of sesame (Sesamum indicum),Caracterización reológica de gomas-gel obtenidas a partir de aislado protéico de sésamo (Sesamum indicum) 2020 Modelling of the adsorption kinetics of chromium (VI) using waste biomaterials,Modelado De La Cinética De Adsorción Del Cromo (Vi) Utilizando Biomateriales De Residuos 2020 Modelling of the adsorption kinetics of chromium (VI) using waste biomaterials,Modelado De La Cinética De Adsorción Del Cromo (Vi) Utilizando Biomateriales De Residuos 2020 Improving properties of thermoplastic starch films by incorporating active extracts and cellulose fibres isolated from rice or coffee husk 2019 Improving properties of thermoplastic starch films by incorporating active extracts and cellulose fibres isolated from rice or coffee husk 2019 Laminated composites reinforced with chemically modified sheets-stalk of musa cavendish,Materiales compuestos laminados reforzados con láminas de tallos de textitmusa cavendish modificados químicamente 2019 Laminated composites reinforced with chemically modified sheets-stalk of musa cavendish,Materiales compuestos laminados reforzados con láminas de tallos de textitmusa cavendish modificados químicamente 2019 Microstructural and optical properties of biodegradable films based on thermoplastic starch and poly (ε-caprolactone) with antioxidant activity,Propiedades microestructurales y ópticas de películas biodegradables a base de almidón termoplástico y poli (ε-caprolactona) con actividad antioxidante 2019 Microstructural and optical properties of biodegradable films based on thermoplastic starch and poly (ε-caprolactone) with antioxidant activity,Propiedades microestructurales y ópticas de películas biodegradables a base de almidón termoplástico y poli (ε-caprolactona) con actividad antioxidante 2019 Poly (lactic acid)/thermoplastic starch films: Effect of cardoon seed epoxidized oil on their chemicophysical, mechanical, and barrier properties 2019 Poly (lactic acid)/thermoplastic starch films: Effect of cardoon seed epoxidized oil on their chemicophysical, mechanical, and barrier properties 2019 Thermodynamic study of the removal of nickel and chromium in aqueous solution using adsorbents of agro-industrial origin,Estudio termodinámico de la remoción de Níquel y Cromo en solución acuosa usando adsorbentes de origen agroindustrial 2019 Thermodynamic study of the removal of nickel and chromium in aqueous solution using adsorbents of agro-industrial origin,Estudio termodinámico de la remoción de Níquel y Cromo en solución acuosa usando adsorbentes de origen agroindustrial 2019 Using grafted poly(ε-caprolactone)for the compatibilization of thermoplastic starch-polylactic acid blends 2019 Using grafted poly(ε-caprolactone)for the compatibilization of thermoplastic starch-polylactic acid blends 2019 Using lignocellulosic fractions of coffee husk to improve properties of compatibilised starch-PLA blend films 2019 Using lignocellulosic fractions of coffee husk to improve properties of compatibilised starch-PLA blend films 2019 Efecto del almacenamiento sobre uchuva adicionada con componentes fisiológicamente activos y deshidratada por aire caliente 2018-12-31 Efecto del almacenamiento sobre uchuva adicionada con componentes fisiológicamente activos y deshidratada por aire caliente 2018-12-31 Design of an Emulgel-Type Cosmetic with Antioxidant Activity Using Active Essential Oil Microcapsules of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum J.), and Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata T.) 2018-12-02 Design of an Emulgel-Type Cosmetic with Antioxidant Activity Using Active Essential Oil Microcapsules of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum J.), and Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata T.) 2018-12-02 Isolation and characterisation of microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose nanocrystals from coffee husk and comparative study with rice husk 2018-07 Isolation and characterisation of microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose nanocrystals from coffee husk and comparative study with rice husk 2018-07 Physicochemical, functional and microbiological properties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa l.) added with organic acids,Propiedades fisicoquímicas, funcionales y microbiológicas de lechuga (Lactuca sativa l.) adicionada con Ácidos orgánicos 2018 Physicochemical, functional and microbiological properties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa l.) added with organic acids,Propiedades fisicoquímicas, funcionales y microbiológicas de lechuga (Lactuca sativa l.) adicionada con Ácidos orgánicos 2018 Properties of micro- and nano-reinforced biopolymers for food applications 2018 Properties of micro- and nano-reinforced biopolymers for food applications 2018 Reinforcement of thermoplastic starch films with cellulose fibres obtained from rice and coffee husks 2018 Reinforcement of thermoplastic starch films with cellulose fibres obtained from rice and coffee husks 2018 Antifungal starch-based edible films containing Aloe vera 2017-11 Antifungal starch-based edible films containing Aloe vera 2017-11 Biocompuestos a base de almidón termoplástico, ácido poliláctico y cascarilla de arroz: efecto del aceite epoxidado de soya 2017-03-20 Biocompuestos a base de almidón termoplástico, ácido poliláctico y cascarilla de arroz: efecto del aceite epoxidado de soya 2017-03-20 Future of Starch-Based Materials in Food Packaging 2017 Future of Starch-Based Materials in Food Packaging 2017 Physical quality of extruded aquafeeds. Effect of formulation and processing conditions,Parámetros de calidad y metodologías para determinar las propiedades físicas de alimentos extruidos para peces 2017 Physical quality of extruded aquafeeds. Effect of formulation and processing conditions,Parámetros de calidad y metodologías para determinar las propiedades físicas de alimentos extruidos para peces 2017 Influence of citric acid on the properties and stability of starch-polycaprolactone based films 2016-01-10 Influence of citric acid on the properties and stability of starch-polycaprolactone based films 2016-01-10 Enhancement of interfacial adhesion between starch and grafted poly(ϵ-caprolactone) 2016 Enhancement of interfacial adhesion between starch and grafted poly(ϵ-caprolactone) 2016 Improvement of properties of glycerol plasticized starch films by blending with a low ratio of polycaprolactone and/or polyethylene glycol 2016 Improvement of properties of glycerol plasticized starch films by blending with a low ratio of polycaprolactone and/or polyethylene glycol 2016 Improvement of properties of glycerol plasticized starch films by blending with a low ratio of polycaprolactone and/or polyethylene glycol 2016 Improvement of properties of glycerol plasticized starch films by blending with a low ratio of polycaprolactone and/or polyethylene glycol 2016 Active bilayer films of thermoplastic starch and polycaprolactone obtained by compression molding 2015-08 Active bilayer films of thermoplastic starch and polycaprolactone obtained by compression molding 2015-08 DESARROLLO Y CARACTERIZACION DE PELÍCULAS DE ALMIDÓN DE MAÍZ POR MEZCLADO CON COMPUESTOS MÁS HIDROFÓBICOS 2015 DESARROLLO Y CARACTERIZACION DE PELÍCULAS DE ALMIDÓN DE MAÍZ POR MEZCLADO CON COMPUESTOS MÁS HIDROFÓBICOS 2015 Physical and structural properties and thermal behaviour of starch-poly (ɛ-caprolactone) blend films for food packaging 2015 Physical and structural properties and thermal behaviour of starch-poly (ɛ-caprolactone) blend films for food packaging 2015 Physical and structural properties and thermal behaviour of starch-poly(e{open}-caprolactone) blend films for food packaging 2015 Physical and structural properties and thermal behaviour of starch-poly(e{open}-caprolactone) blend films for food packaging 2015 Effect of the incorporation of surfactants on the physical properties of corn starch films 2014-07 Effect of the incorporation of surfactants on the physical properties of corn starch films 2014-07 Effect of the incorporation of surfactants on the physical properties of corn starch films 2014 Effect of the incorporation of surfactants on the physical properties of corn starch films 2014 Properties of starch--hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based films obtained by compression molding 2014 Properties of starch--hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based films obtained by compression molding 2014 Properties of starch-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based films obtained by compression molding 2014 Properties of starch-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose based films obtained by compression molding 2014 Structural properties of starch and Polycaprolactone based films 2014 Structural properties of starch and Polycaprolactone based films 2014 Thermoplastic starch films. Influence of incorporation of hydroxypropyl-methyl-cellulose and citric acid 2014 Thermoplastic starch films. Influence of incorporation of hydroxypropyl-methyl-cellulose and citric acid 2014 Efecto de la incorporación de tensoactivos en las propiedades f́ısicas de films a base de almidón de máız 2013 Efecto de la incorporación de tensoactivos en las propiedades f́ısicas de films a base de almidón de máız 2013 DETERMINARON OF KINETIC PARAMETERS OF TWO LACTIC INOCULUMS: Lactobacillus plantarum A6 AND LACTIC ACID BACTERIAS OF YOGURT 2010 DETERMINARON OF KINETIC PARAMETERS OF TWO LACTIC INOCULUMS: Lactobacillus plantarum A6 AND LACTIC ACID BACTERIAS OF YOGURT 2010 Ensilaje biológico de residuos obtenidos del fileteado de tilapia roja (Oreochromis spp) 2009 Ensilaje biológico de residuos obtenidos del fileteado de tilapia roja (Oreochromis spp) 2009 ENHANCEMENT OF INTERFACIAL ADHESION BETWEEN STARCH AND POLY ($ɛ$-CAPROLACTONE): STRATEGIES OF CHEMICAL COMPATIBILIZATION ENHANCEMENT OF INTERFACIAL ADHESION BETWEEN STARCH AND POLY ($ɛ$-CAPROLACTONE): STRATEGIES OF CHEMICAL COMPATIBILIZATION Application of a Multi-Component Composite Edible Coating for the Preservation of Strawberry Fruit Biodegradable monolayer film based on the collagen extracted from Oreochromis sp. processing byproducts blended with chitosan and assembled with PCL and PLA monolayers to form bilayers films